Saturday, July 22, 2017



What Kazyak lack may in one aspect, they make certainly up for in others if that is the case to be made. It depends on your line of thinking, as they put together more than one style on Happy Camping. Let’s stick to what’s great about this album, which by the way is too short to be referred to as anything but an EP. Albeit it that way, it does have its big moments to hold it down and keep it classified however the consumer sees fit, and that includes any outlets where to find it. So many reviews are getting out without the artist being signed, all that matters is to give an opinion on their work.

This album starts out with “Sacred Cow” and it’s a killer way to come in and ease the mind of any mystery as to what this band are capable of. It is absolutely a cake walk listening to the beauty of this, but you don’t get a read on the rest by any of it. It’s the only drawback to this amazing way to get the ball rolling. It might drone on too long if you don’t get off on the pace, but if you do it does a job on the senses that puts some other tracks on the album beneath it. I’m not saying they don’t stand up, but it is a cool way to ring in what they have-to say and entice with a finesse not often found anymore. What that all means for anyone is usually good things when it reaches the right ears, but are those ears in the right places or not is the question so many are looking for the answer too. It doesn’t appear Kazyak are doing that. They seem to be riding with their own tides, and ebbing on as they see fit instead of following any trends. They could be setting trends for all to see as time keeps on. “Sundial” is an equally remarkable tune that doesn’t let up anymore-than the former. Both cruise into where the horizon comes out for you or not. It’s the rest that you’ll consider smooth or lumpy gravy.

“Basin” is where that journey begins, but it might be good enough to blind you from getting there, by already being there thus far. Some things are so good the rest don’t matter, if that is any hint to drop concerning this track. It takes effort though, or no difference can be detected. If that works, then so should “When I Lived In Carolina.” But if it doesn’t, you might as well give up. This is where it all sinks in or doesn’t. But once again I’m not going to spoil it be describing how. Let the music do the talking after, not before the chance to rate it with any substantial points to be made.

“Darker” is just that, a darker song to throw another stick in the mud. It brings out a four of-six overall rating from me, but it doesn’t mean there is one bum note to actually-be found on it. There’s just a couple of lows among the highs to reach for in the balance of light from darkness and vice versa. You also should read up to know where this album comes from in concept, to help all-the more without getting too deep in this review. “Happy Camper” gets to take the exit spot, which is another oddity thrown in, as the title track usually opens and doesn’t close an album. This is another mark for, and not against it. 

Elvin Graham

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